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Howdy, I'm Bea! I'm a UI Visual Designer who has gotten to work on fun screens and features for some pretty cool games, like Destiny 2

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I love and aspire to
create unique experiences
for players full of whimsy
and fun. I strive to make UI that reflects and serves the fantasy of the worlds and stories they love.
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Tonic Capsule

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lobortis ex sed est viverra, a ornare erat bibendum. Curabitur volutpat consequat blandit. Morbi et nisl id tellus lobortis blandit non ut est. Nullam vel pretium purus. Nulla orci mauris, convallis aliquam vestibulum eu, pretium nec urna. Curabitur libero risus, iaculis vitae quam ut, tincidunt semper risus. Sed egestas, justo sed tristique efficitur, quam lectus volutpat felis, sit amet condimentum libero velit vestibulum sapien. Vestibulum elementum turpis ac pellentesque luctus. Mauris in dictum massa.


Donec posuere efficitur ex vel scelerisque. Etiam purus lectus, tempus sed sem sed,

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How do we get from the first image down to the last? 
Well, here's how!

the guardian is

now able to transcend!

a guardian equips the

new prismatic subclass.

i'll let Sam take

over this part of it.

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